ZGCTA Activities

ZGC Global High-Level Think Tank Alliance held the council meeting and the third session of the first conference of council chairs

Date:2024-06-05 15:47


More and more new council members have joined ZGC Global High-Level Think Tank Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the "Think Tank Alliance")! When the Think Tank Alliance was established in September 2020, it had 19 council members. In September 2021, the number increased to 42, and then it had increased to 59! On September 24, the Think Tank Alliance held the council meeting and the third session of the first conference of council chairs. The meeting was sponsored by the Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as "BJAST or the Academy"). It was organized by the Center for International and Regional Cooperation of the BJAST and the "Belt and Road" International Science and Technology Cooperation Training Center of the BJAST. More than 80 representatives from 55 council members of the Think Tank Alliance from 9 countries and regions including Germany, France, South Korea, Malaysia, the United States, Japan, Serbia, India and China attended the meeting. It was held online and with simultaneous interpretation in Chinese and English throughout the whole meeting. Wu Jianmin, chairman of the Think Tank Alliance and president of the Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, delivered opening and closing speeches. Li Junkai, secretary general of the Think Tank Alliance, director of the Center for International and Regional Cooperation of the BJAST, and director of the “Belt and Road” International Science and Technology Cooperation Training Center, Ren Libo, founder and president of Grandview Institution think tank, and Miao Lu, co-founder and secretary general of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), co-chaired the meeting.

Wu Jianmin has pointed out that the Think Tank Alliance continues to grow, the cohesion of the alliance has been increasing, the influence area of the platform has been expanding, the brand effect has been becoming more and more significant, and the international influence has been constantly improving. As one of the sponsors of the Think Tank Alliance, the Beijing Academy of Science and Technology devotedly performs the duties of the chair and secretariat, organizes a professional team to be responsible for the daily operation of the Think Tank Alliance, and actively expands the group of council members. Over the last year, it has received applications from 17 domestic and foreign think tanks from 4 countries including China, South Korea, Malaysia and India. Wu Jianmin thanked the council members for their trust and support to the Beijing Academy of Science and Technology. He hoped that through this conference, while enhancing communication and understanding among council members, we would work together to brainstorm and to draw a blueprint for the future development of the alliance with the mission of "Gathering global wisdom, serving innovation and development.

Li Junkai gave a report on 2022 Annual Work Summary and 2023 Annual Work Plan of the Think Tank Alliance. She introduced the alliance's extensive and fruitful work in enrolling council members, establishing publicity platforms, building brand activities, gathering high-quality resources, and serving local development. In 2023, the alliance enhanced its brand value and influence, comprehensive service capabilities, influenced area and sustainable development capabilities, so as to promote the high-quality development of Think Tank Alliance continuously.

Wu Jianmin extended warm congratulations to the new vice council chair and council members, and he thanked the council members of the alliance for their support and cooperation in the construction of the Think Tank Alliance. The Secretariat of the Think Tank Alliance fully appreciates everyone's suggestions and actively promotes the implementation of relevant opinions and suggestions. He pointed out that "Many hands make light work". Facing the future, he believes that through consultation, co-construction, and sharing among the alliance's council members, the circle of the Think Tank Alliance will become larger, the quality of cooperation will be higher, and the development prospects will be better. He wished the Think Tank Alliance a promising future like "Once a roc flies accompanied with the wind, it can soar thousands of miles". The alliance will surely provide better intellectual support for creating an open innovation ecosystem, gathering global wisdom, and promoting the development of scientific and technological innovation, so as to contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The council meeting of the alliance was in a warm atmosphere and completed all scheduled agendas. The participants enthusiastically expressed their insights, exchanged ideas and views, which enlightened minds and inspired wisdom, discussed development plans together, and gathered consensus in extensive exchanges. These will play an important role in promoting the future development of the Think Tank Alliance. The meeting was a complete success.